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Dear Friends,
In 1961, an English lawyer, Peter Benenson, was shocked to read about two Portuguese students who had been sentenced to seven years in prison for raising their glasses in a toast to Freedom. Following this, he published an article in the London newspaper, The Observer titled „The forgotten prisoners” in which he asked readers to write letters to the Portuguese government demanding freedom for the students. This marked the launch of the international movement of Amnesty International, which has already 2,8 million members in
more than 150 countries. The organisation also received the Nobel peace prize in 1977 for exposing grave human rights violations like torture in Chile, and performing an outstanding job in securing justice, freedom and peace in the world.
It is already the twentieth year since Hungary has a membership in this world wide organisation. During this period, countless enthusiastic members and activists of AI Hungary took part in organising many campaigns, and have laid the ground for our success.
On 10 December 2010 we would like to say a huge thank you to all those who have participated in our activism for these last two decades, and who have made this twentieth birthday celebration possible.
You are all warmly invited to our big celebration on 10 December, Friday at Gödör. There will be several interesting programmes, mind-provoking talks, concerts, and at the end of the day we will raise our glasses together for a joint toast to Freedom.
We are glad to be able to share this occasion with friends such as TASZ, NaNE, Patent, the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, Chance for Children Foundation, ZARE, NEKI, Védegylet, Greenpeace, Humana and the Centre for Independent Journalism.
For more information please visit our website.