Itt az idő a rasszista indíték kivizsgálására – Meghívó az Amnesty International Magyarország november 10-én 11.00-kor megrendezésre kerülő sajtótájékoztatójára / Time to investigate racial motivation – Invitation to AI Hungary’s Press Conference


Time to investigate racial motivation – Amnesty International launches report on anti-Roma attacks in Hungary

A new report by Amnesty International shows how the Hungarian authorities fail to prevent and respond to violence against Roma and ensure justice for the victims.

Violent attacks against Roma in Hungary, shows how racially motivated crimes impact on individual victims, communities and society as a whole and points out shortcomings in the Hungarian justice system that hinder the prevention of and response to such attacks.

Prior to the press conference, Amnesty International delegates will meet Hungarian officials to present the organization’s recommendations.

When: 11.00 Central European Time (10.00 GMT), 10 November 2010, Wednesday

Where: Centre for Independent Journalism

Vas Street 6. 1st floor #5

1088 Budapest

Who: Nicola Duckworth, Europe and Central Asia Programme Director at Amnesty International

Barbora Černušáková, Amnesty International’s expert on Hungary

Orsolya Jeney, Amnesty International Hungary Director