Az alakuló-ülés időpontja:
2010. július 1. csütörtök, 17 óra
Hely: Amnesty iroda (1064 Bp., Rózsa u. 44. II/4)
Kérjük a tagokat, hogy részvételi szándékukat mihamarabb jelezzék az címen. Kérjük, az üzenet tárgya “AEB” legyen.
Segítségetek köszönve:
Elnökség, Amnesty International Magyarország
Dear Amnesty International Hungary Members,
The Board, based on decision no.12/2010 is ready to convoke the Statute Preparation Committee (AEB) of Amnesty International Hungary (AI HU), with the task of preparing changes to the statute.
In addition to two Board representatives, any member of AI HU can join the work of the preparatory committee. The committee will make its recommendations to the Board, and then the AGM, which can then change the statute.
We await the application of members who would like to help the committee’s work.
The first proposed meeting:
Thursday, 1st of July, 2010 5:00PM
Place: Amnesty office (1064. Budapest, Rózsa utca 44. II/4.)
We request the members who wish to take part in the committee’s work to send an email to with ‘AEB’ in the subject line.
Thank you for your help,
The Board of Amnesty International Hungary