Közgyűlés Előkészítő Bizottság/ AGM Prepcom

Az első ülés tervezett időpontja:
2010. július 1. 18:30
Hely: Amnesty iroda (1064 Bp., Rózsa u. 44. II/4)

Kérjük a tagokat, hogy részvételi szándékukat mihamarabb jelezzék az elnokseg@amnesty.hu email címen, az email tárgyában feltüntetve: KEB.

Segítségetek köszönjük!

Amnesty International Magyarország

Dear Amnesty International Hungary members!

The Board in compliance with the statute convokes the Preparation Committee of the Annual General Meeting, whose task is to prepare the 2010 AGM. Beside one official Board representative and the elected representatives of the groups any AI HU member can join the prepcom. The committee makes recommendations for the Board regarding the agenda ,the  procedure, place and time and also concerning the issues to be discussed at the AGM.

We are expecting the application of those members who would like to help the Commitee’s work.

The first proposed meeting is due at:

Date: July 1st 2010 18:30
Location: AI HU Office (1064. Budapest Rózsa utca 44. II/4.)

We kindly request those members wishing to take part in the committee work to
send en email to elnokseg@amnesty.hu and put in the subject line:  Prepcom.

Thank you for your help,


Amnesty International Hungary